Cheese Myths Busted: Unveiling the Facts with Bunker Hill Cheese

The world of cheese is a delightful journey through a maze of flavors, textures, and stories. However, this journey is often clouded by incorrect information and misconceptions. In this article, we set out to debunk common cheese myths, revealing the scrumptious truth about your favorite dairy delight.

Myth 1: Cheese is Fattening

Fact: While cheese does contain fat, it doesn't mean it will necessarily make you gain weight. It's all about portion control and balance. Cheese is packed with nutrients like calcium, protein, phosphorus, and sometimes even vitamin D. The key is to enjoy cheese as part of a balanced diet.

Myth 2: Lactose-Intolerant People Must Avoid Cheese

Fact: Not all cheeses contain high levels of lactose. Hard, aged cheeses like Cheddar or Swiss have lower lactose levels and are often well-tolerated by individuals with lactose intolerance.

Myth 3: Mold on Cheese Means It's Spoiled

Fact: Not all mold is harmful. In fact, certain molds are used in the cheese-making process to give unique flavor and character to cheeses like Blue Cheese, Brie, or Camembert. However, if a non-mold cheese like Cheddar or Mozzarella develops mold, it's best to cut off the moldy part before consuming.

Myth 4: All Cheeses are Aged for Years

Fact: Not all cheeses are aged for long periods. Many popular varieties like Mozzarella, Cottage Cheese, and Feta are fresh cheeses and are ready for consumption shortly after they are made.

Myth 5: 'Cheese is Basically Just Milk'

Fact: While the primary ingredient in cheese is indeed milk, a lot of skill and craftsmanship goes into transforming milk into the wide variety of cheeses we enjoy. Factors like the type of milk, temperature, aging process, and bacteria used result in the diversity in cheese flavors and textures.

Myth 6: Processed Cheese and Natural Cheese are the Same

Fact: Natural cheese, like the ones produced at Bunker Hill Cheese, is made from simple, natural ingredients: milk, salt, and bacteria. Processed cheese is often manufactured with additional ingredients like emulsifiers, which can significantly alter the flavor and texture.

Myth 7: Cheese Should be Served Cold

Fact: Actually, cheese is best served at room temperature, which allows its flavors to fully develop and be appreciated. If serving cheese at a dinner party, take it out of the refrigerator about an hour before eating.


Knowledge is the key to fully enjoy the world of cheese. Busting these popular cheese myths allows us to appreciate the culinary delights that cheese offers us. So, the next time you sit down with a slice of your favorite Bunker Hill cheese, remember these facts and enjoy your cheese experience even more.


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